Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who the F#%K do we think we are??????

What's up people? I couldn't believe my own eyes when I signed in tonight and saw my last post was June 30th. I want to apologize for forgetting my own attitude for a while. Just because I'm not on the air in A. C. anymore doesn't mean I can't get my opinion heard. So it's my opinion that everything out there pretty much SUCKS right now. T. V. politics, the economy, RADIO, it all fucking sucks, and its all YOUR fault. It's my fault too, relax. We have our heads so far up the asses of every dime store "celebrity" that lucked into 15 minutes of fame to see more than a foot ahead of ourselves. Our president declares the end of the line for the Iraq war last night. I'm in Starbucks, where I'm surrounded by what I presumed to be well educated 20 to 30 year old and you would think maybe just maybe, this monumental moment in U. S. history would be a popular topic? Nope. I was surrounded by half a dozen Latte swigging preppies who were flexing their intellectual muscle by debating weather Snookie deserved to be arrested and sharing the shocking unraveling of the Real House Wives of New jersey reunion special. America, why have we let such JUNK become the focal point of our lives. How stupid have we become to allow Reality T. V. and Political Commentators DICTATE how we think and live? 300,000 people showed up to listen to Glenn Beck speak. Put politics aside for a moment. I don't care who you vote for. When did Glenn Beck, a former top 40 DJ, generate the credentials to get 300,000 people to give a shit about what he has to say? The sad thing is how the words that people like Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh speak are mistaken for NEWS. They are not NEWS CASTERS. Their words a merely an opinion. When did we become so weak to let these men think for us? We have allowed ourselves to become distracted with pure junk, and continue to settle for more and more junk by the day. Remember the finale of Lost? For six years, that show had distracted us, entertained us with this complex mystery that twisted and turned into a mind blowing question involving Love, Religion, and Philosophy. The show reached its finale without more than HALF of the mysteries that kept us glued to the set every Tuesday, answered. Not just small stuff. Half of Season Five took place in a time traveled scene during the year 1977. Not even that was addressed. The writers clearly ran out of time to wrap up the show and instead spent the final hour focusing on a bogus reunion in heaven. People were okay with it. People accepted it. They bashed those that were angry by saying they were spoiled. That things dint go your way in real life and we should all accept that. A few years ago, when the Sopranos cut to black and left our balls as blue as a sex starved smurf, Steven Van Zandt was quoted in the papers saying that In Real Life, things don't always get answered and the ending was beautiful. Have we forgotten WHY THE FUCK WE WATCH TELEVISION? Have we all lost the line between entertainment and real life. Do we not care anymore about whats being said to us, who says it, and why? DJ's are now qualified to lead massive political rallies, and TV shows don't need to end at all because life's not fair? What a chubby Staten Island chick is news, and our politicians have to be good moral souls? It was Regan who said that politics was the worlds second oldest profession but it was very similar to the worlds OLDEST profession. We care more about who fucked who and fucked who over, and less about what anyone or anything can be done for us. We accept and excuse JUNK, over and over unto we have what we do today. A generic, boring, and toothless society. Speaking of morals, This country is always after a monogamous god fearing family man to lead us. Glenn beck spoke of such in his rally. He described Adolf Hitler who convinced his masses to murder a whole slew of people based on their religion. We need to be careful America. Go to Glenn Becks rally. Watch T. V. Just recognize what it is your watching and remember that with a little charisma, the wrong people can get you to do whatever they want. We can make this world better, just by standing up and paying better attention

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