Thursday, September 23, 2010

Brad: A Side Of Pearl Jam And A Side Of History

Next week promises to be capped at both ends with two almost once in a life time concerts. On October 1st at the TLA in Philadelphia I'll be checking out the Gracious Few. I've been talking about them on JSE since the rumors of their formation started 18 months ago and have been as anxious to see these guys as the virgin who landed the town slut as his prom date. The Gracious Few is the sum of Candlebox lead singer Kevin Martin, and the musicians from the band LIVE. Kevin Martin has one of the most exciting, unique, and makes you question the team you play for voices in music and who doesn't love Live, even if you won't admit it. That's not who I want to talk about today though.

BRAD IS COMING!!!!!!! Who the fuck is Brad???????? The closest thing to Mother Love Bone and raw 90's Seattle Sound music that you can get to in 2010? Who the fuck is Mother Love Bone???????? The reason why every 90's song you love ever saw the light of day. What????? Who's Nirvana? Nah I'm just kidding and I'm not trying to take any credit away from the KK trio, but I do want to see credit placed where it's due. So check out the video for more on Mother Love Bone and lets talk about Brad. Brad is a band formed in Seattle back 1992 after Mother Love Bone lead singer Andrew Wood died. The other band to rise from Mother Love Bones ashes was Pearl Jam, so Brad definitely has been left in the dust. Pearl Jam's Stone Gossard is now coming back to his roots and touring with his old band mates Regan Hagar, and Jeremy Toback. You wanna hear where the 90's sound sprouted their roots? Brad is a good place to start. Vocalist Shawn Smith is top notch. You remember the movie Beautiful Girls with Matt Dillon and Uma Thruman? You remember that scene where Dillon shows up at his dates house that he stood up and gets confronted by her mother? The song that plays in between that scene and the ice skating at the park scene is Shawn Smith with his other band Satchel. The song is called Suffering. Brad is a little more laid back, at times treading into dreaded John Mayer territory but edgy enough to forgive the college stoner moments. Mother Love Bone's late lead singer Andrew Wood might be smiling right now. His brother Kevin Wood, who was in the locally influential Malfunskin with him should be joining Brad on tour. From what I understand, all pre Pearl Jam bands these gentleman were in will be represented in concert. That means this is the one chance you have to see some of the best music Seattle has ever produced. Why should you care? I don't know. Half of Alternative radios play list comes from Seattle and the bands influenced by the movement. See the band, then tell me Nirvana invented everything. Sorry. Sorry. Just had to get in one

Below is the report from Anti

Pearl Jam had this update for fans: Time to get excited cause Brad is hitting the road from September 27th to October 13th in support of their new album Best Friends?. Brad will headline shows in Seattle, Chicago, Philly, Baltimore, and New York.
They will also join forces with Band of Horses for concerts in Des Moines, Cleveland, Columbus, Louisville, Tulsa, St. Louis and Kansas City.

Additionally , the tour will include in-store performances at Ear X-tacy in Louisville and Vintage Vinyl in St Louis plus an appearance on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon (full list of tour dates follow).

To hear a track off their new album Best Friends ?, check out their single Believe In Yourself here


Sept 27 Seattle, WA High Dive
Sept 28 Seattle, WA High Dive
Oct 1* Des Moines, IA Val Air Ballroom
Oct 3 Chicago, IL Double Door
Oct 4* Cleveland, OH House of Blues
Oct 5* Columbus, OH LC Amphitheater
Oct 6 Louisville, KY Ear X-Tacy (in-store)
Oct 6* Louisville, KY Brown Theatre
Oct 8 Philadelphia, PA World Cafe Live
Oct 9 Baltimore, MD The Ottobar
Oct 10 New York, NY Bowery Ballroom
Oct 11 New York, NY Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
Oct 12* Tulsa, OK Cain's Ballroom
Oct 13 St. Louis, MO Vintage Vinyl (in-store)
Oct 13* St. Louis, MO The Pageant
Oct 14* Kansas City, MO Uptown Theater

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