Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Rights of Being Right

Are you fucking kidding me? The headline alone is insulting in the fact that it's even an issue that's wasting your time. Wasting my time. Everybody's time is being wasted by the "news" of a female sports reporter claiming that she was sexually harrassed in the MENS LOCKER ROOM. I've talked to many about this situation and even those that defend the Jets say that athletes should learn to behave themselves better in front of female reporters. Think about this for second. Men should be on their best behavior because women are entering THEIR locker room. Why? I've been in men's locker rooms. They act like animals. Sometimes, athletes actions in the locker room make you wonder what team these guys actually do play for, but they have their own way of unwinding after a game and no one should have the right to change that because they want in on somebody elses world. We keep sterilizing this society in the name of Political Correctness. Political Correctness is boring. It's vanilla. Political Correctness is also incorrect. Smokers lose their rights to non smokers. Prudish people take away art from those who don't feel vulgarity should be determined by anyone but themselves. There's actually a debate right now about how male athletes should act when a woman enters their locker room. This is a dangerous situation. When do we finally grow a spine and stop letting other people fight our battles? There are schools right now that no longer count spelling as a requirement for a grade because telling children they are spelling words wrong will only hurt their feelings and discourage them from learning. Every body's a victim now. Remember the situation where the teenage girl about 14-15 committed suicide over an e-mail she thought came from a male classmate? It turned out to be a girls mother impersonating a 15 year old boy which WAS sickening, but throughout all the public outrage, no one asked one very simple question: "What the fuck was going through a teenage girls head that would make her so fragile that she killed herself over the insults that came from what she thought was a 15 year old boy?" We heard the word victim a lot. We heard a lot about cyber bullying. We didn't hear about the larger social problem that a few harsh words drove a girl to a self inflicted death. That's the scariest part of that whole story to me. Why did this girl feel the words of this teenage boy were so important that she killed herself over them? This society needs to toughen the fuck up. I feel like this all comes from intrest groups jumping up and down everytime someone says a word someone else doesn't like, which is all the time. No one lets anything roll off their shoulders anymore. Every insult, every joke became a reason to scream injustice. We need to stop worrying about who we're insulting anymore and start growing a thicker fucking skin. Too much worrying about who we're offending has not only watered down our AMERICAN RIGHTS, but also turned us into a spineless group of whiney school girls. Sorry whiney school girls, I didn't mean to upset you.

Ines Sainz is a female reporter who dresses like she's looking to get laid on a Saturday night. Smart strategy. She's smoking hot and it got her noticed. You're fooling yourself if you believe she got anywhere without the slutty outfits and ridiculous body. She entered a men's locker room and there were complaints of athletes making rude comments, and footballs being thrown "in her direction". Now Ines Sainz claims she didn't want to make an accusation of sexually harassment but others were appalled and fought on her behalf. Men in their own locker room. Acting like men in a locker room. What should be so appalling is that anyone thinks Ines Sainz is important enough to change the way a group of people should behave in THEIR domain. When do the football players get their rights? I hate getting burned. I don't stand too close to fires.

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