Monday, November 2, 2009


While Pearl Jam was making history over in Philadelphia while playing the final four concerts ever at the Spectrum, Metallica might have done the coolest thing ever in music history up in New York at Madison Square Garden. They jammed out with Lou Reed on Sweet Jane. Okay Cool. They brought out Ray Davies from the Kinks and played YOU REALLY GOT ME to show the world where that sound originated, but THEN, THEN, They brought out the King of all things dark, and metal in this universe. Metallica jammed with OZZY OSBOURNE on Paranoid and Iron Man. It sounded like a truck careening into a packed arena, and could be best be described as assault and battery on the ear drums. IT WAS AWESOME. There would be no Metallica without Black Sabbath. There would be no music we hear on JSE without Black Sabbath. Black Sabbath is where the sound of metal and the picture of what metal should be came together. It started with Sabbath. Metallica paid them the perfect tribute by tearing the roof off the Garden with Black Sabbath's lead singer, the last legendary rock star we have

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