Mark Thompson might be hurting as bad as Rivers Cuomo. He missed out on his chance to see Weezer because of the big accident. His hero is now eating through a tube in his arm. I like Weezers music, but this guy Rivers Cuomo is a total prick. Does he deserve to be in traction? No. Am I sad that he got hurt? Nope. In the May 2002 issue of Guitar World, the guy completely went off on his own fans, sounding like he had a giant stick up his ass. He lost me as a fan ever since. Below are excerpts from thatinterview
Here's a couple of examples of why Rivers sounded like a total ass of himself toward his fans:
Example 1
GW: Is there a typical Weezer fan? Can you characterize that person at all?
Cuomo: They're tough to characterize because they're all sorts of different people. Probably what they have in common is that there are other people around them that also like Weezer. They feel like a minority and they care about us a lot. They probably encounter a lot of frustration in their lives because everyone else around them doesn't care about Weezer. So when they come to big arenas that are filled with people like them, they're stoked.
Example 2
GW: Are there two factions of Weezer fans: the hostile and the adoring?
Cuomo: No, they're one and the same. The ridiculous thing is that they're so angry with me and they hate my songs so much, and yet they're all still there on all the message boards talking about me every day, and they care so much about it. It doesn't make any sense. Maybe they see some potential in us and they're doing everything they can to help bring that out.
It's a really strange, extraordinary situation with us and the fans, and it's stressful for everyone, I think. Our style has evolved to the point where it contains elements of all the different directions we've explored. I think it's all gonna cohere eventually and everyone will be happy and satisfied. But we have to allow ourselves the space and the time to spread out in different musical directions and face the anger of older fans. I don't think our previous records really say all that we want to say musically, so we still have to do a bit of feeling around. That's why we ignore managers and record companies and the industry as a whole, because they just want to sell as much product as they can. They don't want to allow you the space to develop.
Example 3
GW: Whether it be asking you to sign something or expecting you to act a certain way...
Cuomo: Yeah, or asking me to play a certain song. They're all little bitches, so I avoid them at all costs.
River Cuomo was reported to have suffered some minor injuries when Weezer's bus crashed on Sunday but a follow up blog posting on the band's Myspace page that describes his injuries paint them as more than minor. That's the bad news; the good news is they say he is recovering nicely in the hospital.
Their original blog on Sunday said that Rivers "cracked 3 ribs and sustained some mostly minor but very painful internal damage, as well as hurting his lower leg somehow." In a follow-up blog they go into more details about those injuries. Here is what they had to say on their blog: ....Meanwhile in the hospital, Rivers has had a much better day than yesterday. He went from being barely able to talk and open his eyes yesterday to partially sitting up, talking clearly, reading books and checking the internet, plus his color and energy seemed much brighter. And then finally in the evening he was given some good news.
To back up a bit, Rivers' internal injuries included both a small cut on his spleen and a small puncture in his lung. An internal cut needs to be carefully monitored to see if it is healing up or not. The lung puncture was small so the lung did not fully collapse, and thus no surgery was needed for that, but it also has to be monitored carefully to avoid fluid build up. Today the doctor announced that Rivers blood pressure had stabilized, meaning the spleen was no longer leaking - it was on the mend. And his lung seemed to be gaining strength and holding up, meaning it too looks like it will mend itself with time. All this is great news so far. Plus he was given the go ahead to eat some real food again - a very positive sign!
Tomorrow the doctor says it will be time to see if Rivers can stand up again. If that goes well and his vital signs remain stable and improving, he will get to go home pretty soon! Wish him well - your positive energy and thoughts are working so far!
Now we come to the mystery of Rivers' right leg. He was totally unable to move it after the accident, but doctors were mystified as there were no broken bones and no signs of impact on it. Today after a day of icing and compression, he was able to wiggle his toes again. And he remembered a small detail - he recalled that that same foot was sort of hurting late the night before as he went to bed in the bus - after the Toronto show.
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