Thursday, December 3, 2009


VELVET REVOLVER/ex-GUNS N' ROSES bassist Duff McKagan has penned the latest installment of his weeky financial column, "Duffonomics", which appears at An excerpt follows below.

"The music business is changing so rapidly, in fact, that if a book were published on the topic today, it would be out of date by spring. Back in 2004, when I was writing a semester-long university paper on digital rights management (basically, the factors that go into splitting the profits on a song you pay for online), I was thwarted by the almost weekly changes happening in that specialized sector alone. But change brought on by newer and better technology doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. It's just a fact of life, and musicians either have to adapt or get new jobs.

"Existence is a comfort zone for most musicians however, while major label executives are clenching hard right now just trying to make a buck. The difference between the people that make money off of music and those that actually make the music is now really starting to widen."

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