Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Hand In This Insanity

Fucking people. You have that lunatic tea bag party chick Christine O'Donnell wasting my airwaves with bullshit. Ironically enough she's been been jerking voters around for a few few months now after it was discovered she never went to or even graduated from the colleges she said she did, owes over ten grand in back taxes and has been living off her campaign money. Why is this all so Ironic? The chain yanking queen has been exposed as a major opponent of masturbation.

Seriously. This is not a joke. There are people out there who are against loving thyself before thy neighbor and other people actually vote them into office. Why are we so fucking uptight over sex? I'm just asking, if priests could marry, do you think so many Alter Boys would still be backing out of church in fear of stepping into some holy shit? Isnt that why staright guys have gay sex in prison, because there are no woman around? Forcing anyone away from sex is usually a bad idea. If we stopped worrying so much about what makes us feel good and stopped forcing such an unnatural thought, maybe we'd all be a little less likely to cap a bullet in the head of the gansta who disrespects us? Didn't Christine O Donnell
look like someone who really needs to get laid? Do these teenagers really think they're fooling God when they marry at 17 and turn fornication into just a whole bunch of failed procreation? What about teh girls who take in in the ass because technically its not a sin against god that way and WHERE THE HELL WERE THOSE GIRLS WHEN I NEEDED THEM? Why not just stop the bullshit and admit sex is good, it harms NO ONE if its consensual, and it makes everyone better for having it? Sex never hurt a single person. Maybe a few heart attacks but what a way to go. All of that sex addiction garbage? If more men were smooth we'd all be in sex anonymous.

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