I'm fucking bored. I have been for about twelve years. There hasn't been a new song or band that seems like it Will have a lasting effect on my life now the way bands like Pearl Jam, Pantera, STP, Life Of Agony and Alice in Chains did back in the 90's. Maybe I'm just getting older? No Effin Way!!!!!! Dude there's some great music out there right now with the Sick Puppies and Silversun Pickups but do you really see yourself in five years reaching for that old Shinedown CD to pop n the obscure track 7 to take you back to your youth? Stuff today seems so forgettable. Last year was a nice step with Pearl Jam, Weezer, Creed, and Alice In Chains making comeback albums but things just don't seem to have the same impact anymore that they used to. In 99 Creed, for better or for worse was the biggest band in the country selling out arenas before the tickets ever went on sale. This year Creed tickets are ten bucks. Maybe we have heard it all before? I don't buy it. I think we accept to the point where we don't challenge anymore. The new stuff we play on JSE is good music. You need good music throughout the day but where is that mind blowing GREAT music? The life changing kind? The holy crap get me a guitar I wanna do that music? I'm looking for it and I believe you should too. Maybe we got complacent. There is new stuff out there but I think I've been jaded enough to turn off a new song a soon as I hear the words "NEW BAND" If you're in a band or know a great one I'd like you to get some songs to me.
My buddy lives in Brooklyn but he joined a South Carolina based band called Jyn. At first I kind of shrugged it off but today I finally got to their Myspace page. No I don't think Jyn is the next GREAT thing, not yet. I think they're on the right track though.
The first song Kat In the Chair s the most fusteratng because it's really good. It' just missing SOMETHING. The entire time I'm listening I'm expecting something just a little more an it never comes. Slowly Melting is a jam. Put on your sunglasses, jump on the expressway and jut let this song take you wherever. Porcelain Dog marries Blind Melon with Candlebox. The lyics Jyn offers are from different place than bands who make similar style music which makes songs like this one stand out.Ornamental is the ballad and my favorite of the four offered. Maybe I AM getting too old, liking the ballad the best? Jyn offers something I haven't heard in a long time though and that's an outside of the box approach to making an age old product: The song. Bands like Paramore and Flyleaf ARE great now. I'm just saying Jyn is something to look forward to in the future because hey might be around for a while one day
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