Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's Been A While

Wow a little snow on the ground and the next thing you know, 10 days have past since your last blog entry. Sorry. No excuses I just got lazy as hell. I'm also a little depressed after waking up today and realizing there is not only no more football on for SEVEN MONTHS, but since it's Valentines Day, watching the Giants has been replaced with watching Giant wastes of 90 minutes. All weekend. J Lo, Britney Spears, Debra Messing, Reese Witherspoon and her pointy chin, and every bad actress are crying, bitching, and complaining on my T. V. about their broken heart, Whah. My heart was broken when the Colts stomped all over the Jets in the AFC championship game and Brad Pitt didn't show up in the end to make everything allright. Valentines Day is a total sham so I put together a little list of songs to make the day go by a little faster, a little easier, and with a LOT less estrogen

This Love- Pantera
Figured You Out- Nickleback
She Hates Me- Puddle Of Muddle
Miserable- Lit
Crazy Bitch- Buckcherry
Used To Love Her- Guns and Roses
Keep Away- Godsmack
Dont Go Away Mad- Motley Crue

Happy Valentines Day to everone. I'll see you on St Patricks Day at the Dubliner

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