Monday, January 25, 2010

Freedom of Speech?

A few weeks ago I said that only the Papparazzi can make me root for Axl Rose. At this point, I'd hold someones camera while they stomped the snot out of the red headed step child. Read below

According to TMZ, GUNS N' ROSES fans were forced to take sides in the legendary war between Axl Rose and Slash - after security at a recent GNR show banned fans from wearing Slash gear inside the show.

It all went down at the GNR show in Canada last Wednesday - concert security informed fans that they were required to turn their Slash t-shirts inside out .... and leave their top hats outside.

TMZ spoke with a member of the concert security team who confirmed the marching orders - and told us the instructions were passed down from a producer for the band.

We're told a few fans took the high road and went home ... but most just sucked it up and did what they were told.

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