Well with the economy in crisis, America divided, unemployment rising, and moral plummeting, we can finally say this country is officially in turmoil because COURTNEY LOVE IS QUITTING TWIITER. Those incoherent drunken Internet tirades will be no more, and if I kill myself tomorrow, you'll know why. Whatever will I do now? It's bad enough that this slob has not only made a fool of herself and pissed all over the memory of her late husband by publishing his diaries and selling his likeness in ways that he was completely against, but now she has her daughter following in her tainted footsteps. Below is an article I pulled from Yahoo news
Just a few days after Kurt Cobain's daughter Frances Bean Twittered a tirade against actress Ali Lohan, Frances and her mother Courtney Love have apparently deleted their Twitter accounts. It comes as a shock to those who follow Love, who's notorious for her rapid-fire Tweet rants about topics spanning lawyers, mortgage fraud, advice on fixing FICO scores, alleged theft of couture and trust funds, hackers, Ryan Adams and Russell Brand.
"On the one hand, I don't know what to do with myself. The internet is a lonely, eerily quiet place without Courtney screaming about hackers and lawyers and whatever else," the anonymous brain behind CLTranslated on Twitter tells Spinner. "But on the other hand, I can't imagine she can stop herself from returning to the internet very, very soon. She'll be back."
For those who missed Frances Bean's open letter to Lohan, it's a scathing attack on the 15-year-old wannabe starlet, sister of Lindsay, after Frances observed Ali enjoying the VIP treatment at Fashion Week in Paris recently. "Your [sic] not entitled to anything simply because your sister has a recognizable name," blasted Cobain, 17. "Your idea of fame isn't fame. It's infamy. You want to be famous? Work your ass off and make decisions that could potentially catapult your career into a lasting one."
"You lack the talent, social understanding and credibility to be anything other then infamous," Frances wrote. "It will be the formality of fame that puts you on the covers of tabloids, while the public idly watches you plumit [sic] into the murky abyss shared with the likes of Spencer Pratt and Jon Gosselin who, I'm sure, will steal your money whilst there ... People like you, Ali Lohan, are rendering the world of true talent by attempting to make your entitled ass noticed."
But Bean wasn't finished. "You blatently [sic] don't care how your recognized, it's [sic] the objective to get famous and that is what makes you replaceable and a recycled idea," she continued. "Well, I'm [sic] ashamed to have to be grouped into the same category of person as you. I would rather die a most painful death than be assoicated [sic] with the kind of career [sic] you're trying to make for yourself [sic]."
Twitter speculation on the reason for the sudden departure ranges from outright hacking to a Lohan-supporter backlash against Frances Bean. Love's departure from Twitter comes just days after she Tweeted her mix of nerves and adoration after sharing the stage with Bono and Gavin Friday at New York's Carnegie Hall.
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