Thursday, September 17, 2009

Vaya Con Dios Bodi

Well Patrick Swayze passed away a few days ago which kicked off America's obsession with liking celebrities a lot more after they die. I mean the words king of pop and pedophilia barley get mentioned in the same sentence anymore. Really, though, I don't think anyone has a problem with Patrick Swayze. So when every T. V. station started running his movies non stop, it didn't stick in my chops like hearing Dirty Diana 500 times a day. One of my favorite movies, actually scratch that, my FAVORITE movie of all time is a Patrick Swayze flick. Did you ever see Point Break? It's okay to admit it here. Patrick Swayze plays the guru leader of a pack of bank robbing surfers and special agent Johnny Utah, played by Keanu Reeves, goes undercover to take them down. Yeah it's far fetched, and the acting sucks, and so what? The meaning behind the movie, the whole "slave to the system" concept actually did Kenau Reeves bank account quite well in another series of movies ten years later. Think of Point Break as a stripped down, surfer/skydiver version of the Matrix without a six foot five bad ass black dude running the show. Point Break works on every level. It's 90 minutes of mindless action with bikers jumping out of planes and karate brawls with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers (Really)Now for those of you who like movies that get cerebral on them? Point Break explores the limitations society puts on the working folk and the consequences that exceeding those limitations might have on someone looking for something more. If you have an hour and a half to kill, check out Point Break, even if you've already seen it. Patrick Swayze is worth toasting a beer to and that movie can't do you wrong. Vaya Con Dios Patrick

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